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What’s happening on Puffin island

  • Biodegradable plastics have the potential to help reduce the amount of waste going to landfill but importantly they also have the potential to be better for the environment in the way they are manufactured. Biodegradable TPU Biodegradable TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) is an advanced material that is......

  • Eco-Friendly and Recycled Swim Tow Floats Swim tow floats are an essential safety item for many outdoor swimmers providing, safety, visibility, and a place to store those essentials. The eco-friendly and recycled range of tow floats from Puffin swim are the first choice for swimmers......

  • Eco15 Drybag Float User Review.   The Puffin Billy Eco15 Drybag Tow Float is a 15L bright tow float to help make you more visible to other water users whilst swimming. It has a dry bag compartment in which you can store small items once......

  • Happy Halloween Give-Away Send us a photo of your pimped up swim tow float for halloween and the best photo wins a Biodegradable Billy Eco15 Drybag Float worth £26.99 Your float can be any brand of float. You can post on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter......